Community Grants
We offer Community Grants to clubs, schools and organisations which are either based in the Ancient Parish of Byfleet or serve the residents of the Ancient Parish. Our key areas of support are:
Alleviating financial hardship and food poverty
Recent Community Grants include:
Byfleet outreach Citizens Advice, Byfleet Foodbank, West Byfleet Community Fridge & Christmas food hampers
Improving wellbeing and social isolation
Recent Community Grants include:
The Matthew Hackney Foundation, Woking Men in Sheds, Carelines, The Eikon Charity, Headway, The Brigitte Trust, West Byfleet Bowls Club, Byfleet Cricket Club, Byfleet Football Club & Stream Close gardening group.
Improving educational attainment for disadvantaged children & young people
Recent Community Grants include:
Annual School Grants, laptops and IT equipment, sports equipment, extra school resources, workshops, dyslexia (& ASD/ADHD) testing, Thursday Tots, uniform assistance & young carers outings
Please contact the Grants Manager at: for a Community Grant application form.
Recent Community Grants
The Eikon Charity
The Eikon Charity supports pupils at Fullbrook School. They help build resilience around mental health and offer free counselling sessions to students. The Byfleet United Charity are proud to support the Eikon Charity and have awarded a Community Grant for their work at Fullbrook School. Click here for further information about The Eikon Charity.
The Matthew Hackney Foundation
Supporting local children and young people with their mental health through funded and part funded counselling. Click here for further information.
Byfleet Foodbank
Our Community Grant to Byfleet Foodbank ensures fresh produce, like cheese and eggs, are available every week. Byfleet Foodbank vouchers can be obtained by contacting the Grants Manager at:
Byfleet Village FC
Byfleet Village FC have received a £1k Community Grant which will be used as a hardship fund for players and families who struggle to pay for subs, kit and match fees.
Find the stories behind our Community Grants here.